From the back cover:
Follow Minerva Squadron's struggle for survival as they battle the Cygnan Coralate across the interstellar killing field, blast enemy rigs out of alien skies and plunge headfirst into the unknown in this gripping saga of three women and their struggle to love, to live and to hang on to their humanity in a time when the only thing left for the human race is to fight or be forgotten. Who will live and who will die in the cold, cruel vacuum of space? Only time will tell. This is the first arc of five in the first session of The Cygnus War.
This is the first of seven episode arcs within The Cygnus War
Individual arcs:
[Tarsis] [Rescue] [Downfall] [Weapon] [Awaken] [Erebus] [Last Run]
How to order:
Paperback ($7.95): [lulu]
Ebook ($2.99): [PDF] [EPUB] [LIT] [MOBI] [Kindle] [Nook] [Scribd]
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